This photograph was taken by Terry Bagley on a trip to Israel in the early 1990s. The dogs are resting in the shade at the corner of their owners' tent. |
Bedouin-owned Canaan Dogs may be chained as this one is, with little shade and no water until their owners free them or bring food and water. Photo by Lee Boyd, 1996. |
This bitch is guarding her litter of five puppies. More commonly, the Bedouin keep males, saying "El Kelbe min Allah" (The bitch belongs to God). The bitches may be semi-wild, scavenging on the edge of camp, and mating with the camp dogs to produce litters from which the Bedouin select more males. Photo by Avi Goldberg, 1996. |
This beautiful red and white male was photographed by Avi Goldberg at the edge of a Bedouin camp in 1996. His ears have been cropped. The Bedouin believe this makes the dogs more alert. The dogs function as watch and guard dogs for the Bedouin. |
The Bedouin often keep a black Canaan Dog among their pack because they are easily visible. For the same reason, the traditional garb of Bedouin women is black so they can be easily seen while out with their flocks. Photo by Lee Boyd, 1998. |
Although out on his own, this dog obviously belongs to a camp. Not only are his ears cropped, but his tail is also docked. Photo by Lee Boyd in 1996. |
This crop-earred dog is taking advantage of whatever shade is available. Photo by Lee Boyd, 1998. |
This gorgeous male had a car of American, Canadian, Finnish, Israeli, and Italian Canaan Dog owners dying to abscond with him. It is said that the Bedouin part with their Salukis more readily than their Canaan Dogs. A Saluki will hunt for anyone and can easily be replaced, but Canaan Dogs are so territorial that if transferred to a new owner they constantly try to return to their old one and must be chained for a long time. It takes a while for their territoriality to resurface at their new home and during this period of adaptation their usefulness as a watch dog is diminished. Photos by Lee Boyd, 1998. |