Israel Canaan Dog Club of America, Inc.
Payment policy for ICDCA dues and merchandise, or to make a donation
The club has established uniform procedures for payments as follows:
Zelle - An electronic bank to bank realtime payment using your bank's website or phone app.
This is the club's preferred transaction method. Access Zelle through your bank's website or banking app. Zelle is completely free: no transaction fee, no mailing cost. If your bank does not partner with Zelle, and you have a bank-issued debit card (not credit cards), go to to sign up for free. Set up the recipient account using the email and verify that the recipent is the Israel Canaan Dog Club of America. Do not include a phone number.
Paypal - 3% fee paid by member to the club to cover the Paypal transaction cost.
Please add 3% onto your transaction when sending money to cover Paypal's fee.
Set up our account using the email and verify that the recipent is the Israel Canaan Dog Club of America.
Check or Money Order
All checks should be made out to the Israel Canaan Dog Club of America and mailed to:
Thomas Cassel, ICDCA Treasurer
1017 Belmont Ave
Haddon Township, NJ 08108 USA
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Tom Cassel at or
© 2025 Israel Canaan Dog Club of America, Inc.