Ninth Annual
Specialty Weekend
Kalamazoo County Fairgrounds
Kalamazoo, Michigan
June 13-16, 2002

Thursday, June 13, 2002
1st: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai, Victor Kaftal
2nd: Ch Bay Path's Amitz, Jerry Hennings & Sandra Fournier

Senior (13 years through 17 years)
DJ Hadar Ha'Aretz Lydia of Gray Mesa & Junior: Robin Davison, Birthdate: 07/25/88

Thursday, June 13, 2002
There were 26 dogs entered in this show with a total of 26 entries.
Judge: Carla Molinari, Quinta De Cascalheira, Bicesse 2765, Estoril, POR

Puppy Males (6 months to < 12 months):    Aljan's Dream Stalker, Caren Curtiss
Junior Males (1 year to < 2 years):     Lahat me Shaar Hagai, Cheryl Hennings
Senior Males (2 years to < 3 years):   Cherrysh The Vision of Ezekiel, Jerry & Cheryl Hennings
Adult Males (3 years and older):     1-Barak me Shaar Hagai, Cheryl Hennings or Myrna Shiboleth
                                                          2-Zetan me Shaar Hagai, Terry Bagley
                                                          3-Cherrysh My Nobilis Aljan, Caren Curtiss
Breeder Handler Males (6 months and older):     1-Aljan's Keeper of the Night, Caren Curtiss
                                                                               2-Spirit Bay Ha'Aretz Gideon, Wendy Sostock
Best Male: Barak me Shaar Hagai
Reserve Best Male: Zetan me Shaar Hagai

Puppy Females (6 months to < 12 months):    1-Cherrysh Diamond in the Ruff, Cheryl Hennings or Marsha Finley
                                                                          2-Isabeau Cana me Shaar Hagai, Bruce Bauman & Pamela Templeton
Junior Females (1 year to < 2 years):     DJ Hadar Ha'Aretz Lydia of Gray Mesa, Jackie & Donna Davison
Senior Females (2 years to < 3 years):   none
Adult Females (3 years and older):        1-CHF's Bedouin Black, Caren Curtiss
                                                                 2-Dayspring D'Ror Bat HaAretz, Jackie & Donna Davison
Breeder Handler Females (6 months and older):     D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe, Jackie & Donna Davison
Best Female: Cherrysh Diamond in the Ruff
Reserve Best Female: CHF's Bedouin Black

Best of Winners: Barak me Shaar Hagai
Champion: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai
Reserve Champion: Ch Velikaya's Hamania, Jerry or Cheryl Hennings
Best of Breed: Barak me Shaar Hagai

Novice Male Puppy (3 to < 6 months): Cherrysh My Jedai Knight, Pamela Templeton
Novice Female Puppy (3 to < 6 months): None
Best Puppy: Cherrysh My Jedai Knight

Altered Male: 1-UAGII Micah Haviv me Kansas, Lee Boyd
                        2-DJ Ha'Aretz Boaz of Gray Mesa, Jackie & Donna Davidson
Altered Female: 1-UCDX Holit Beit Dada, Victor Kaftal
                            2-UAGII Keely's Girl Tobie, Lee Boyd
Best Altered: UAGII Micah Haviv me Kansas

Parade of Titleholders:
    Multi-Ch Zetan me Shaar Hagai
    Multi-Ch Barak me Shaar Hagai
    Multi-Ch Cherrysh's Coat of Many Colors, Jerry Hennings
    UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai, CD, CGC
    UAGII ICDCA Ch Micah Haviv me Kansas, CD, NA, CGC, TT
    UAGII Keely's Girl Tobie, NA, CGC
    UCDX Holit Beit Dada, CDX

U.K.C. Show - Friday, June 14, 2002

Puppy Males (6 months to < 12 months): Aljan's Dream Stalker
Adult Males (3 years and older): 1-Barak me Shaar Hagai
                                                      2-Cherrysh My Nobilis Aljan
                                                      3-Zetan me Shaar Hagai
Breeder Handler Males (6 months and older): 1-Spirit Bay Ha'Aretz Gideon
                                                                           2-Aljan's Keeper of the Night
Best Male: Barak me Shaar Hagai
Reserve Best Male: Spirit Bay Ha'Aretz Gideon

Puppy Females (6 months to < 12 months): Isabeau Cana me Shaar Hagai
Junior Females (1 year to < 2 years): DJ Hadar Ha'Aretz Lydia of Gray Mesa
Adult Females (3 years and older): 1-CHF's Bedouin Black
                                                         2-Dayspring D'Ror Bat HaAretz
Breeder Handler Females (6 months and older): D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe
Best Female: D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe
Reserve Best Female: CHF's Bedouin Black

Best of Winners: Barak me Shaar Hagai
Champion: Ch Bay Path's Amitz
Reserve Champion: Ch Cherrysh's Coat of Many Colors
Best of Breed: Barak me Shaar Hagai

Agility I, Division 2: UAGII Keely's Girl Tobie, NQ

Novice B: UAGII Micah Haviv me Kansas, NQ
Open A: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai, NQ
Open B: UCDX Holit Beit Dada, 189.5, 4th place

U.K.C. Premier - Saturday, June 15, 2002

Puppy Males (6 months to < 12 months): Aljan's Dream Stalker
Adult Males (3 years and older): 1-Barak me Shaar Hagai
                                                      2-Cherrysh My Nobilis Aljan
                                                      3-Zetan me Shaar Hagai
Breeder Handler Males (6 months and older): 1-Spirit Bay Ha'Aretz Gideon
                                                                           2-Aljan's Keeper of the Night
Best Male: Barak me Shaar Hagai
Reserve Best Male: Cherrysh My Nobilis Aljan

Puppy Females (6 months to < 12 months): Isabeau Cana me Shaar Hagai
Junior Females (1 year to < 2 years): DJ Hadar Ha'Aretz Lydia of Gray Mesa
Adult Females (3 years and older): 1-Dayspring D'Ror Bat HaAretz
                                                         2-CHF's Bedouin Black
Breeder Handler Females (6 months and older): D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe
Best Female: DJ Hadar Ha'Aretz Lydia of Gray Mesa
Reserve Best Female: D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe

Best of Winners: Barak me Shaar Hagai (completing his U.K.C. Championship)
Champion: Ch Bay Path's Amitz (completing his Grand Championship)
Reserve Champion: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai
Best of Breed: Barak me Shaar Hagai

Novice B: UAGII Micah Haviv me Kansas, 197, 4th place
Open A: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar, NQ

WEIGHT PULL: DJ Ha'Aretz Boaz of Gray Mesa, Qualified with a pull of 325 pounds

U.K.C. Premier - Sunday, June 16, 2002

Puppy Males (6 months to < 12 months): Aljan's Dream Stalker
Adult Males (3 years and older): 1-Cherrysh My Nobilis Aljan
                                                      2-Zetan me Shaar Hagai
Breeder Handler Males (6 months and older): 1-Aljan's Keeper of the Night
                                                                           2-Spirit Bay Ha'Aretz Gideon
Best Male: Aljan's Keeper of the Night
Reserve Best Male: Cherrysh My Nobilis Aljan

Junior Females (1 year to < 2 years): DJ Hadar Ha'Aretz Lydia of Gray Mesa
Adult Females (3 years and older): 1-Dayspring D'Ror Bat HaAretz
                                                         2-CHF's Bedouin Black
Breeder Handler Females (6 months and older): D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe
Best Female: D&J HaAretz Sheba of Tahoe
Reserve Best Female: Dayspring D'Ror Bat HaAretz

Best of Winners: Aljan's Keeper of the Night
Champion: Ch Cherrysh's Coat of Many Colors
Reserve Champion: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar
Grand Champion: Ch Bay Path's Amitz
Best of Breed: Ch Bay Path's Amitz

Novice B: UAGII Micah Haviv me Kansas,  191 (completing his UCD)
Open A: UCD Ch Kochav Ole me Shaar Hagai, 183.5, 3rd place

WEIGHT PULL: DJ Ha'Aretz Boaz of Gray Mesa, NQ

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