The Canaan Dog has a double coat. The outer coat consists of straight,
dense, harsh-textured short-to-medium length hair. The undercoat is close-fining,
dense, profuse, and downy in texture. The neck is well-furnished with
hair, which forms a protective ruff blending into the apron. The buttocks
are lightly feathered and the tail is well-furred. Correct coat is essential
to survival in the desert so an incorrect coat, including the absence
of undercoat, is a serious fault.
Outer coat dense, harsh and straight, of short to medium length.
Undercoat close and profuse.
coat. Outer coat-straight, harsh, flat-lying, with slight ruff. Ruff more
pronounced on males. Length of outer coat ½ to 1½ inch;
longer on ruff and back of thighs, shorter on body, legs and head. Undercoat--straight,
soft, short, flat-lying, density varying with climate. Tail bushy, increasing
in plumage from set to end of bones, then tapering to pointed tip. Faults--Excessively
long guard coat that masks the clean outline of the dog. Any trimming
that alters the natural appearance of the dog.

dog has a correct double coat |
