The shoulders are moderately laid back and muscular. The scapula and the
upper arm form an angle of about 110 degrees. When standing, a line dropped
from the highest point of the withers would pass just behind the forelegs.
The muscles of the upper leg are firm and well-developed. The forelegs
are straight, with strong, moderately short, very slightly sloping pasterns,
and moderate bone. The shoulder blade and the upper arm are roughly equal
in length. The upper arm lies close to the ribs but is still very mobile,
with the elbow moving close to the body. The feet are of medium size,
strong, round and cat-like, with hard pads. Nails are strong and hard.
Dewclaws may be removed.
The shoulder should be oblique and muscular, elbows close to the body.
Forelegs perfectly straight. Strong, round and catlike
with hard pads.
Shoulders moderately angulated. Legs straight. Pasterns flexible with
very slight slope when viewed from the side. Dewclaws may be removed.
Feet--Catlike, pads hard, pigmentation harmonizing with nose
and eye rims. Nails strong, hard, pigmentation harmonizing with either
nose and eye rims or coat.

relatively straight front is out of balance with the slightly
over-angulated rear. |