ICDCA Canaan Dog for
September, 1999
Bay Path's Jersey Girl Tasha, CGC, TDI
Michael & Kathy Bogner
Gvir me Shaar Hagai
Briel's Hatikvah bat Ariel
Sandra Fournier
Birth Date:
11 October 1994
Though Tasha was not on this
earth very long, she made a lot of people happy during her brief stay.
Tasha was not a dog that was destined for the show or obedience ring.
Her conformation was pleasant, but not spectacular. Her lack of confidence
in strange places hampered her career in the obedience ring. But
where Tasha truly shined was her temperament. It was her loving nature
that made her a favorite in both the Nursing Home and Children's Hospital
she visited as part of her pet therapy duties. She was tolerant of
hands that poked, prodded and pulled on her ears. She nimbly dodged
walkers and wheelchairs of people who wanted to see her closer. She
always had a 'doggie smile' and a tail wag for everyone. Yes, perhaps
she was a bit too outgoing for a Canaan Dog, but that's OK. She found
her niche in life and we wouldn't have had her any other way. We
will always miss her. |