ICDCA Canaan Dog for
March, 2000
Cherrysh My Red Ryder
Katryna Bogovich
ICDCA/AKC/UKC Ch. Bay Path's Amitz, CGC
Briel's Hatikvah bat Ariel, CGC
Jerry R. Hennings
Birth Date:
9 August 1998
Ryder was a black puppy when
she was born and has been losing that color and turning red/sable ever
since. She now has even less black on her than can be seen in this photo
taken last June in Asheville. She was approximately 10 months old
then. Ryder loves to parade around in front of Niki, the other resident
CD, with a trophy of some sort to incite him into chasing her all over
the backyard. The only thing more fun than running and playing
with Niki is jumping lengthwise over him as he is trotting toward
"mom." Ryder is not quite sure why we have to go to dog shows when she
could be rolling over on her back and getting as dirty as possible
or digging up the backyard with Niki. |