ICDCA Canaan Dog for
July 2000
Hadar Ha'Aretz Mr. Spock RivRoc
Christina Miller
Ch. Shvatim Confidence, CGC
Ha'Aretz Gimel Wafi
Christie Collins, Bryna Comsky, Jerry Collins
Birth Date:
12 December 1997
"Spock" is my first Canaan
Dog and what an introduction to living with the breed he has made. He continues
to be the most humorous of my Canaan Dogs. One of his favorite past
times is "Corgi hurdles", where he loves to pester the Corgis by leaping
over them and then taking off to be herded by them. "Spock's" gentle
and loving temperament, although typically stubborn at times, was what
sparked my interest to become more heavily involved in the breed. Were
it not for "Spock", I wouldn't be currently owned by 3 Canaan Dogs. |