ICDCA Canaan Dog of The Month

ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEXICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX

ICDCA Canaan Dog for 
September 2000

Arayl's Eitan Ben Jordan


Elizabeth Hebert


Ch. Pleasant Hill Jordan


Jomars Nubbin of Grey Mesa


Elizabeth Hebert

Birth Date:

21 April 1996

"Spanky" was from the second litter I bred, and has been a delight from the very beginning.  To me he is everything a Canaan Dog should be; guardian of his territory, clown when it's time to play, loving companion always.  He is a marvelous representative of his breed; no one ever forgets Spanky when they come to visit my Canaan Dogs.

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© 2000 Israel Canaan Dog Club of America, Inc.