ICDCA Canaan Dog of The Quarter

ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX

ICDCA Canaan Dog for the
Second Quarter 2006

 Ch. Mazel Tov Mystery Girl, HCX


Diane and Allan Gantt


Ch. Pleasant Hill Mazel CDCA HC, ICDCA VC


Ch. Pleasant Hill Tovah ROM, CD, RN, CGC, CDCA HCX, ICDCA VC, CDCA V


Cathi and Craig Oskow

Birth Date:

5 May 2001


During our first 20 years of marriage Diane and I only had cats.  I had grown up with an Alaskan Husky named King. Diane had never been accustomed to dogs.  In an improbable moment I, at last, persuaded Diane to allow us to get a puppy.  I avowed to take care of the puppy since I am the dog authority.  Diane gave me a checklist 10 miles long as to what kind of dog it had to be.

On the Internet, I searched for a medium size perceptive dog that loves kids, cats and does not take very much care.  With 8 grandchildren and 2 cats we required a dog with great temperament.  The Canaan Dog came up on the Internet and I corresponded with Cathi Oskow.  She had a 10 week old puppy.  We met Mystery at LAX when she was 12 weeks old and the rest is history.

Mystery loves the kids and sleeps with the cats.  She also has taught me a lot about dogs in the past 5 years.  Diane spoils Mystery and she is a family member.    

Mystery Girl was Winners Bitch at the 2002 CDCA National Specialty and earned an Award of Merit at 2004 CDCA National Specialty.

Mystery loves to herd sheep.  Whenever I take her up to the ranch for lessons she starts crying for the sheep about 2 miles out and does not stop until she gets in the ring with them.  Once in the ring she goes into her crouch and circles the sheep to keep them together.  Even when the cats get out into the back yard she goes into her sheep herding crouch and circles the cats until she gets them through the back door.  Who says you cannot herd cats! 

The only thing Mystery likes better than herding sheep is playing with the grand kids.  From the one-year-old to the teenagers she loves playing with them.  The amazing thing is that she will gauge the amount of rough play by the age of the kids.  She will be very gentle with the smaller children and can be rough housing with the bigger ones. 
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