ICDCA Canaan Dog of The Quarter

ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX

ICDCA Canaan Dog for the
First Quarter 2008

 D &J Ha'Aretz Maccabi


Bruce Henry


CH Ha'Aretz Pei Mishacam


CH Dayspring D'ror Bat Ha'Aretz


Donna and Jackie Davison

Birth Date:

6 July 2001

To begin with, I live alone with three Canaan Dogs. But when you live with three Canaan Dogs do you really live alone? The oldest, Maccabi, turned 6 last July. I sometimes feel that he is my soul mate as Maccabi and I communicate on a very deep level. He often looks deeply into my eyes as if to show me he understands. Wherever I am, he positions himself at a reasonable distance facing me, always ready to follow should I change locations.

He is the only male of the three dogs and definitely plays a different role in the pack than the other two. Maccabi is usually the quiet one. He is totally aware of his surroundings and is self-appointed as the guardian of the house…while Keshet, the older of the females, is the barker and keeps passer-bys and squirrels aware of her territorial rights. The three dogs are kept crated during the day while I am at work and when I come home, Maccabi is always the first to discover if I am introducing something new into the environment while the other two could care less. In the morning when I crate the dogs, I give them a treat of a biscuit or pig’s ear. The two females devour the treat(s) before I leave the house but Maccabi invariably holds onto whatever he gets until I come home and let them out.

I travel once or twice a month for business and while away, I have a pet sitter visit the house in the mornings and evenings to feed and exercise the dogs. I have been told that Maccabi rarely eats while I am away and tends to wait by the front door for my return. Because I speak English and Hebrew to the dogs, they all respond to either language and appear to be comfortable with both.

My mom passed away last September and being Jewish, I say the Mourner’s Prayer (Kaddish) every morning before going to work. When Maccabi hears me, he runs and stands by my side with his paws on my arm while I recite the prayer. He waits until I finish as if to show me that he will be by my side no matter what.

Having three Canaan Dogs has clearly shown me how each has his /her own personality, likes and dislikes. Watching Maccabi (dad), Keshet (mom) and Maya (daughter), interact has taught me a great deal about their unique culture and how I fit into our pack.

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