ICDCA Canaan Dog of The Month

ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEXICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX

ICDCA Canaan Dog for 
May, 1999

Sarai of Four Gables


Mark & Susan Floyd


Anacan Cause to Celebrate


Hila me Shaar Hagai


Christine Franklin

Birth Date:

4 April, 1997


Sarai - a lovely white & tan, who is outgoing and fun loving.  She had too much  energy for her first home and had to be re-homed, a very sad experience.  She  now lives with her litter sister, Kylie and their owners Mark and Sue Floyd.  We  hope to start showing her this March as she really is quite lovely and has an outgoing personality to match, though also dog aggressive.  One of Sarai's  favourite activities is "jumping" on a large trampoline.  Take one or more  children jumping and you have a formula for Sarai to jump in and join them.   Taking agility to new heights is her delight, including jumping on the kitchen  table to look down the stairway for her owners to get up. This has now been remedied. 

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© 1999 Israel Canaan Dog Club of America, Inc.