ICDCA Canaan Dog of The Month

ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEXICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX

ICDCA Canaan Dog for 
June, 1999

Velikaya's Mitsav-Ruah


Isabella Zirri


Multi Ch. Edom Beith Kuti


Israeli & Int. Ch. Tehila me Shaar Hagai


Isabella Zirri, Velkikaya's Kennels

Birth Date:

13 January, 1994

Ipsy (Velikaya's Mitsav-Ruah)
"Ipsy" is a dark cream male, not very big, but very elegant and outstanding.  His nickname is due to a Y-shaped white spot he has on his neck (in Italian we call this letter Ipsilon).

The first thing I can say about Ipsy is that he is a "special Canaan" to whom I owe a lot whether from the point of view of the breeding or the relationbship between man and dog.  Ipsy has inherited from his father, Edom, an easy, friendly and happy temperament and from his mother Tillie, a sneaky attitude which makes him a great guardian of his territory.  Ipsy is very sweet with his puppies, while still being an "authoritative Dad".  He is a wonderful teacher from whom the puppies learn to be sensible and obedient (Ipsy can be off leash everywhere and he never runs away).

Ipsy was never shown until now, because of an injury to his right ear due to a bite of his sister "Venla" when they were puppies.  However, now it is no longer evident: he has his great success as a stud dog.  You can recognize his puppies even among hundreds of Canaans by their type and the "characteristic smile".


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