ICDCA Canaan Dog of The Quarter

ICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEXICDCA Canaan Dog of the Month - INDEX

ICDCA Canaan Dog for the
Third Quarter 2011

D & J Ha'aretz Jada at Yafa


Ruth and Michael Burnham


AKC CH DJ Ha'aretz I'm the Buzz Baby


AKC CH Lydia of Gray Mesa


Donna and Jackie Davison

Birth Date:

30 September 2008

About three and a half years ago, we agreed that we needed a dog to round out our family of two, so we set about deciding what breed would be a good match.  Independent of each other, we found websites that provided surveys for just that purpose -- sort of like online dating services!  And, independent of each other, we both ended up with "Canaan Dog" as the breed best suited to us!  What a coincidence, right?

Because neither of us knew anything about Canaan Dogs, we began our research immediately, and the more we read, the more we admired these strong, independent, resourceful canines and their rich, storied history.  We live in Denver, and by another happy coincidence, the ICDCA was holding its National Specialty in Longmont, CO that summer, giving us the perfect opportunity to meet some dogs and breeders, as well as to confirm our conviction that a Canaan Dog was the dog for us. 

We were smitten and within a week had requested a female pup from a litter that, coincidentally, was due to Donna and Jackie Davison that fall.  Our girl joined us in November, and now we can't imagine life without her.   Though Jada is special in innumerable ways, we still marvel at the series of coincidences that brought her to us.


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© 2011 Israel Canaan Dog Club of America, Inc.